Download Tureng Dictionary
Download Tureng Dictionary,
Tureng Dictionary serves as a kind of English - Turkish dictionary containing tens of thousands of words.
Gelne Tureng, one of the most used English - Turkish dictionary applications in Turkey, provides different types of services on computers. The first is the application you can find on the Windows Store. You can see the Windows application of the dictionary by clicking the Tureng download button on the right. You can open the dictionary on your computer through the Windows application and you can easily access the translations through this application.
On the alternative links, you can see Turengs plug-in versions. The first alternative download link includes the Tureng Google Chrome add-on package. With this download, Tureng Dictionary is added to Chrome and you can easily search for words.
In the second alternative link, there is the Tureng Dictionary Opera plug-in. This extension is installed in Opera, as in Chrome, and allows you to easily look up word translations while using Opera.
Tureng Properties
- Providing English - Turkish, Turkish - English translations.
- Giving the translations of the words according to the fields. E.g; engineering, linguistics, medicine, or something similar.
- Presenting pronunciations of words. The fact that he gives it according to three different accents, British, Australian and US.
- Include phrases and slang words as well as word translations.
- Show synonyms for words.
Tureng Dictionary Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 0.14 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Tureng Ltd.
- Latest Update: 01-04-2022
- Download: 1