Download Voice Prayer Surahs and Prayers
Download Voice Prayer Surahs and Prayers,
Voice Prayer Surahs and Prayers is a useful and free Android application that has the feature of reading prayer surahs and prayers aloud in both Arabic and Latin letters. The Audio Prayer Surahs and Prayers apk application, which gives users the opportunity to read prayer Surahs and Prayers from anywhere, can only be downloaded and used on the Android platform. The successful application, offered free of charge on Google Play, gives users the opportunity to pray in any environment they wish. Within the application, they will be able to listen to Surahs and Prayers aloud, see and follow their recitation.
Voice Prayer Surahs and Prayers APK Features
- Free,
- Trustworthy,
- Audio Surahs and Prayers,
- Recitation of Surahs and Prayers,
- Android version,
The application, which contains all the surahs and prayers recited during prayers, is designed to be extremely simple and useful. I think you will not have any difficulties while using the application. All users from 7 to 77 can use it without any problems.
Audio Prayer Surahs and Prayers APK Download
If you want to listen to prayers and suras aloud and are looking for an application for this, you can download the Voice Prayer Surahs and Prayers application to your Android devices for free.
Voice Prayer Surahs and Prayers Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 10 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Yergok
- Latest Update: 24-02-2024
- Download: 1