Download WashAndGo
Download WashAndGo,
With WashAndGo, an advanced tool that allows you to save disk space by cleaning your entire computer system, you can maintain your computer and speed up your system by cleaning unnecessary files.
Download WashAndGo
WashAndGo finds files such as *.bak, *.tmp and incorrectly deleted or undeleted files that appear as 0 bytes and frees your system from these unnecessary files. It also allows you to get rid of harmful links by cleaning the links in your Temp folder. It also cleans your internet browsers old cache and can indirectly speed up your internet usage. The program, which also scans for system errors, repairs and minimizes the errors it finds.
With WashAndGo, an advanced system cleaning tool that cleans all unnecessary files on your system, you can save space on your computers hard disk and continue to use it safely while speeding up your system. While WashAndGo is doing all these operations, the program does not delete any files that will risk system security. However, with the backup feature of the program, it takes precautions against possible data loss and can be restored if desired.
WashAndGo Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 17.47 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Abelssoft
- Latest Update: 10-12-2021
- Download: 578