Download Whois Lookup
Download Whois Lookup,
Whois Lookup is a free domain name search program developed for computer users to get information about any domain name or IP address they are interested in.
Download Whois Lookup
The program, which does not require installation and is developed as portable, can be carried with you at any time with the help of a USB memory and you can use it quickly if you need it.
The only thing you need to do with the help of the program, which has a very simple user interface, is to type the domain name you want to get information about in the relevant field and click the Lookup button. After waiting for a while for the necessary scanning process to be performed, you will see all the information about the domain name. Please note that you must have an internet connection to use the program.
The program, which allows you to easily view the domain name status, creation date, IP address, who owns the domain name and many more, is really useful.
As a result, if you are looking for a program that you can quickly and easily query domains from the comfort of your desktop, I recommend you to try Whois Lookup.
Whois Lookup Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 0.36 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Negative AL
- Latest Update: 06-01-2022
- Download: 302