Download Wordtrik
Download Wordtrik,
Wordtrik is a mobile puzzle game that we can recommend if you want to spend your free time in a fun way.
Download Wordtrik
In Wordgame, a word game that you can download and play for free on your smartphones and tablets using the Android operating system, players compete with one another and with time on the other. The basic logic of the game lies in creating words by combining letters. Different letters are placed on the game board in each hand and players are given 90 seconds. During this time, the players try to find the most words by using the letters on the game board.
Wordytrik is a game where you compete in real time by matching with other players over the internet. The player who finds the most words in the hand played as 3 rounds wins the game. Rankings are made with the points captured in the game. If you wish, you can see your ranking against other players or only against your friends. You are also allowed to chat with your opponents during the matches.
Wordtrik Specs
- Platform: Android
- Category: Game
- Language: English
- Licence: Free
- Developer: Wixot
- Latest Update: 07-01-2023
- Download: 1