Download ZenKEY
Download ZenKEY,
ZenKEY program is a useful application that allows you to manage your computer directly with only the keyboard. The basic capabilities of the program, which can be a life saver, especially if you have a problem with your mouse but have urgent tasks, are as follows:
Download ZenKEY
- Running a program
- Ability to open documents, folders and internet resources
- Making windows transparent
- Define infinite desktop space
- Window magnifying and minimizing operations
- make an internet call
- Starting a screen saver or shutting down the computer
- Access to Windows tools
- Using Winamp and other media players
- Simulate multiple key presses
- Ability to switch between tasks
Using the program, you can perform almost all the movements you do with the mouse using keyboard shortcuts. If you also have a mouse, the ZenKEY program, which can also improve the functions of the mouse, will be a favorite program for those who want more control over their computer.
ZenKEY Specs
- Platform: Windows
- Category: App
- Language: English
- File Size: 2.59 MB
- Licence: Free
- Developer: ZenCODE
- Latest Update: 15-01-2022
- Download: 135