Internet Speed Test
Thanks to the internet speed test tool, you can measure your internet speed's download, upload and ping data quickly and smoothly.
What is internet speed test?
Internet speed test tests how fast your current connection is and shows you the speed you are currently getting. The most important point here is that the internet packet speed that your internet service provider offers you and that you accept is parallel to the speed you measure. Internet speed test shows you your ping, upload and download speed. All internet service providers promise download speed. As a result of your test, the promised speed and the download speed appearing in the test should not differ.
How does the internet speed test work?
When you start the speed test, your location is determined and the closest server to your location is detected. After the closest server to your location is detected, a simple signal (ping) is sent to this server and the server responds to this signal. The speed test measures the travel and return time of this signal in milliseconds.
After the signal sending is complete, the download test starts. During the internet speed test, multiple connections are established with the server and small pieces of data are tried to be downloaded through these connections. At this point, it is examined how long it takes the computer to obtain the data and how much data is used while obtaining this data.
All you have to do to start the Hz test is; After entering the Millenicom Speed Test page, press the button that says GO. After pressing this button, the information you request will be sent to you under the headings Download, Upload and Ping.
Things to consider before speed test
In order to get the most accurate result by testing your speed, the following steps should be observed before the test. After following these steps, you can start the internet speed test.
- Turn the modem off and on: Since your modem works uninterruptedly for a long time, its processor and RAM get tired. Before measuring the internet speed, first turn off your modem, wait 10 seconds, and then restart it. In this way, the modem works with full performance and your internet speed is measured exactly and accurately.
- If there are programs with high data exchange, turn them off: Download programs and torrent applications running on your computer may adversely affect the internet speed test. For this reason, it is recommended to close these programs before the speed test.
- Close or disable all open pages and applications except the speed test page: There may be applications running in the background on your computer or device while performing an Internet speed test, which may prevent you from getting accurate results using your Internet connection. For this reason, all open applications and pages should be closed, except the speed page, before performing a speed test.
- Make sure that only the device you are testing is connected to your modem: You may see different results when different devices are connected to the modem. Even if you do not access the internet from other devices, many applications running in the background may be using your internet speed and slowing it down. For this reason, make sure that other devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, from the same network, do not use the internet connection, other than the device you are using.
- Make sure that the distance between your modem and the device you are using is not too far: Signals can be mixed because the modem and the device are too far apart. In order to get the most accurate result, there should be a small distance between the device you want to measure the internet connection and the modem.
What is the internet speed test result?
When you perform the speed test, you will see various numbers under Download, Upload and Ping titles. You can find details on what these titles mean below.
- Download speed (Download): The download speed (download speed), measured in Mega Bit Per Second (Mbps) unit, is the most important value to be checked in cases where the internet speed is thought to be low. This is the speed that internet service providers promise when selling to their customers. For this reason, there should be a parallelism between the download speed measured when the speed test is performed and the speed promised by the internet service provider in the first place.
Download Speed, which is the most important indicator when determining the speed of a line, shows how fast your device can pull data from the internet and they are at much higher speeds than upload.
Download speed is used to download data from the internet. When you type the address of a website on the Internet in the address line of your browser and press enter, your browser starts to download all the texts, pictures and sounds, if any, on the page you want to enter, to your computer, that is, "download". Internet download speed is effective for many activities such as surfing the Internet and watching online videos. The higher your download speed, the better your internet speed.
When we look at today's internet usage habits and internet usage areas, an internet speed between 16-35 Mbps can be considered as ideal. However, speeds below or above this are also preferable speeds according to internet usage habits. - Upload rate (Download): Upload rate is the value that shows the data rate sent to the servers. This means the time it takes to see the data you send. It also determines your file upload speed. Upload speed has lower values than download speed. In order to properly perform activities such as video calling, playing online games and uploading large files over the Internet, the upload speed must be sufficient.
Today, actions such as playing online, uploading videos to the internet have become quite common. Accordingly, it has gained importance to reach high upload values. - Ping rate: Ping; It is an abbreviation of the text “Packet Internet -Network Groper”. We can translate the word ping into English as “Internet Packet or Inter-Network Poller”.
Ping can be defined as the reaction time on connections. It measures the time it takes your existing data to go to another server. When you try to connect to a data abroad, the ping time starts to get longer. We can give the example of bullets to explain this issue. When you shoot at a close wall, it will take a short time for the bullet to bounce off the surface you're spraying and come back. However, when you shoot at a wall farther from where you are, it will take longer for the bullet to reach that surface and therefore bounce back.
Ping is very important for online gamers. The lower this time, the happier the connection quality in the game will be. While watching videos in applications such as Youtube, Netflix or trying to access a site from abroad, high ping time may cause videos to hang, complete in a longer time or freeze.
The ideal ping time depends on what you use the internet for. High ping for some users may not be a problem for other users.
You can take a look at the performance you will get according to the ping time intervals from the table below;
- 0-10 ping - Very high quality - All online games can be played easily. You can watch videos comfortably.
- 10-30 ping - Good quality - All online games can be played easily. You can watch videos comfortably.
- 30-40 ping - Ideal - All online games can be played comfortably. You can watch videos comfortably.
- 40-60 ping - Average - If the server is not busy, online game can be played. You can watch videos comfortably.
- 60-80 ping - Mediocre - If the server is not busy, online games can be played. You can watch videos comfortably.
- 80-100 ping - Bad - No online game play. You may experience freezing while watching videos.
- Ping of 100 or more - Very Bad - No online games and very difficult videos to watch. Commands are transmitted to the server late.
How accurate are internet speed tests?
Although the internet speed test query process may seem simple, it is a very difficult process to test your internet speed correctly. Even the world's largest Internet provider (Telecommunication) companies cannot perform Internet speed tests with the software they have developed. It is a known fact that many large Internet providers around the world use paid Internet speed test tools.
Recall the first step of the internet speed test: First, you need to connect to a server. While testing internet speed, the server you are testing may be very close to you or even in the same city. Note that the internet is not very close to you even if the server is very close to you. The server of a data you want to download may be located much further away from you or even at another end of the world. This means that even if you achieve good results in the internet speed test, there may be situations where it does not reflect reality.
The accuracy of your internet speed test depends on what you want to measure. If you want to check whether your internet provider provides the speed promised to you, you can start the test directly. Of course, there are cases where you cannot start the test directly.
If you are a broadcaster or if you have devices in your home that are constantly connected to the Internet, you will not be able to achieve realistic results if you test by turning off these devices. At this point, performing a test under standard conditions would be the best move and you will reach the most realistic results in this way.
What is Mbps?
Mbps, which stands for Mega Bits Per Second, is the expression of the number of data transferred per second in megabits. It is the standard unit of speed of the Internet. It shows us how many mbps of data is transferred in 1 second. Megabit is also abbreviated as "Mb".
Although the concepts of internet speed and download speed are different from each other, they are often confused. Internet speed is usually expressed as Mbps, as we mentioned above, while download speed is expressed as KB/s and MB/s.
Below you can find information about how large a file you can download per second according to internet speeds. However, when the distance to the switchboard, infrastructure and server speeds are taken into account, serious decreases can be experienced in theoretical values.
- 1 Mbps - 128 KB/s
- 2 Mbps - 256 KB/s
- 4 Mbps to 512 KB/s
- 8Mbps - 1MB/s
- 16Mbps - 2MB/s
- 32Mbps - 4MB/s
How many mbps should the ideal internet speed be?
The majority of our internet use at home consists of the videos we watch online, the TV shows, movies, the songs we listen to and the games we play. People's internet needs and internet traffic have also increased, especially thanks to online TV series and movie watching platforms that have become more widespread and use more recently.
The following two main factors should be considered when deciding on your ideal internet speed;
- Number of people using the internet in your home,
- Average internet usage and download amounts of people who will use the internet.
Apart from watching videos and movies, if you regularly download large downloads over the internet, your internet speed usually affects your download speed as well. It takes about 4 hours to download a 10GB game from Steam at 5Mbps, and 15 minutes on a 100Mbps internet connection.
In general, you can surf the web at a connection speed of 8 Mbps and do most of your daily internet work, such as sending mail. High Internet speed is not needed for such tasks. However, if you are broadcasting live with video, downloading large files, video chatting and watching videos on the internet intensively, you need a faster internet package.
Today, internet packages between 16 Mbps and 50 Mbps are considered ideal.
What is packet loss?
Packet loss occurs when your network connection loses information while it is being transmitted. This can slow down your network connection and reduce the reliability of network communication with devices. For anyone who wants to fix a troubled network, one of the first actions to take should be to stop packet loss.
In network traffic, information is sent as a series of discrete units called packets, rather than being transmitted as a continuous stream over the network. These units can be likened to separate pages in a book. Only when they are in the right order and together do they make sense and create a coherent appearance. When your network connection loses pages, ie packets, the entire book, ie network traffic, cannot be generated. Apart from being lost, packages may also be missing, damaged or otherwise defective.
Packet loss can have multiple causes. You can find the reasons that may cause packet loss and the details of the actions to be taken against these reasons below;
- Software bugs: No software is perfect. Your network hardware or software may have bugs that cause packet loss. In this case, there is little the user can do. If you are experiencing such a problem, the easiest way to solve the problem is to consult the vendor who provided the hardware and download the firmware that may come from them to the computer. You should be sure to report any suspicious bugs you find to the vendor who supplied the hardware.
- Damaged cables: Packet loss can also occur due to damaged cables. If your Ethernet cables are damaged, miswired, or too slow to handle network traffic, packet loss will occur. To fix this problem, you can renew your cable or check your cable connection again.
- Insufficient hardware: Any hardware that forwards packets on your network can cause packet loss a. Routers, switches, firewalls and other hardware devices are the most vulnerable. If they can't "keep up" with the traffic you're forwarding, they'll drop packages. Think of it as a waiter with full sleeves: if you ask them to take another plate, they'll likely drop one or more plates.
- Network bandwidth and congestion: One of the top causes of packet loss is insufficient network bandwidth for the requested connection. This happens when too many devices try to communicate on the same network. In this case, it is recommended to communicate with fewer devices on the same network.
Why is the internet speed slow?
Internet speed may vary from time to time and your internet may slow down. These fluctuations can have many different causes. We can list these reasons as follows;
- Different connection types: Your internet connection may vary depending on the type of connection you use. Among the dial-up, dsl or cable internet options, the fastest cable internet connection will be. Among these connection types, when the Fiber Optic service, which is produced as an alternative to the copper cabling method, is used, the internet speed will be higher than the others.
- Infrastructure problem: Infrastructure problems can also cause your internet speed to slow down. A fault may have occurred in the cables arriving at your location, and this problem is usually quickly noticed by internet service providers and necessary corrections are made without your noticing. In such cases, internet service provider customers call centers or SMS, etc. inform ways.
- The location of your modem: The location of the modem in your home or office is one of the factors affecting internet speed. The distance between the device you connect to the internet and the modem you use, the number of walls, the wall thickness may cause your internet speed to decrease or your internet connection to be disconnected. In such cases, you can buy a router (router, wifi extender) in addition to your wireless modem and put this router closer to the device you are connecting to the internet, and in this way, you can solve the problem in your internet speed.
- Number of wireless networks in the area: It is very important how many wireless networks there are in your building or on the street. If you live in an environment with hundreds of wireless networks, you may not be taking full advantage of your connection.
- Computer problems: Spyware and viruses, amount of memory, hard disk space and condition of the computer can cause slow internet connection speed. In this way, you can install a virus and spyware protection program on your computer to avoid any problems.
- Running many programs at the same time: Running too many programs and applications on your computer will slow down your internet speed. For a fast internet experience, you should not run too many applications and programs at the same time.
- Website density or internet usage hours: If the website you want to use is heavy, if too many people are trying to access this site at the same time, your access to that site may be slower. In addition, you may observe that your internet speed is lower than normal during peak hours of internet use.
If the problem is not that wide, it may only be noticed later if there is a problem in your apartment, in the connections to your house. In these cases, a fault record is taken and the teams in the technical unit analyze the problem in detail and solve it later.
How to speed up the internet?
You can make your internet speed, which slows down from time to time, faster by applying the following items;
- Restart your modem: Modems that work continuously and for a long time may experience problems from time to time. If you are having internet speed problem, turning your modem off and on can solve this problem. To perform this operation, you need to turn off the device by pressing the power button on the device and turn it on again after 30 seconds. When you turn off the modem, all the lights on the modem should turn off.
If you are not sure that you have turned off the device, unplugging the adapter cable of the device, waiting for 30 seconds and plugging it back in will also do the same. It may take 3-5 minutes for the internet connection to come back after the modem is turned on and off. After turning the modem on and off, you can easily follow the warning lights on the modem that the internet connection is back. - Use a new model modem: Make sure your Wi-Fi password is safe. If your password is compromised and your internet is used by people other than you, your internet speed will slow down considerably. Change your modem to the latest model. Modems used for many years can prevent fast internet connection.
- Don't have too many bookmarks in your browser: If you have too many favorites or bookmarks, they can cause your internet speed to drop. Because each page loads when you open your browser. Clean these sites regularly.
- Scan for Viruses: If your computer has a virus, this may cause your internet speed to drop. Scan your computer for viruses and remove any existing viruses. The speed of both your computer and internet will increase.
- Connect to the Internet with an Ethernet Cable instead of Wi-Fi: You can try to connect to the Internet with an Ethernet cable instead of wirelessly connecting to the Internet to avoid any data loss during data flow. Connecting to the internet with an Ethernet cable will minimize speed loss and provide a better connection experience.
- Clean up your desktop: Delete unimportant documents. Gather the important ones in one folder. Thus, you can avoid speed problems caused by the computer.
- Turn off your modem at night: Heating problem can cause signal problems.
- Update regularly: Download updates for the operating system on your computer regularly.
- Clean up your internet history: If the files accumulated in your browser (Google Chrome, Explorer etc.) history increase, this density may slow down your internet speed. Clear your browser cache regularly and restart your computer after clearing it.
- Set your DNS settings to automatic.
- Use Chrome, Firefox, Opera or Safari instead of Internet Explorer.
- Go to the control panel of your computer and remove all the programs that you do not use, use add remove programs.
- Upgrade your internet package: You can get information about upgrading to a higher package by calling your current internet provider, and you can benefit from a faster internet package suitable for your infrastructure.